Safer Streets

Man walking through crosswalk

Maintaining safe and livable communities is a top priority for the City of Salem and its residents. The City of Salem has two ways for residents to help propose traffic and pedestrian safety measures. By using these online tools, you can suggest locations that may need a neighborhood traffic calming measure or an improved pedestrian crossing. Each submission is reviewed by staff based on safety criteria. Once funds are identified, the projects will be selected for construction.

The City of Salem is committed to addressing common traffic concerns such as speeding, uncontrolled intersections, and safety.

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) outlines how traffic speeds and volume concerns in residential areas are examined, prioritized, and addressed by the City.

The NTMP evaluates traffic calming measures and creates a method to prioritize projects across the City. It also includes the addition of a Neighborhood Stop Sign Plan, which the City uses to evaluate the need for requested stop signs on local streets.

The update to the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan developed with input from the Citizen's Advisory Traffic Commission and Neighborhood Associations and approved by the City Council June 26, 2023.

Submitting Neighborhood Traffic Safety Concerns

Evaluating Neighborhood Traffic Safety Concerns 

The prioritization system awards points for each of the following criteria:

  • Speed
  • Volume
  • Nearby pedestrian generators
  • Family-friendly bikeways
  • Presence of sidewalks
  • Equity

Examples of Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures

  • Speed Feedback Signs
  • Speed Bumps
  • Local Street 20 MPH Speed Limits

Safer Streets Upgrades

Here's some examples of traffic calming and safety measures installed throughout the City of Salem thanks to feedback from the community. 

Information on current recommended Neighborhood Traffic Management Projects can be found here.