Public Meeting Calendar

Eric Herman and the Puppy Dogs Preschool Concert

Preschoolers and their grownups are invited for a romping, stomping fun time with Eric Herman and the Puppy Dogs. Seating is on a first come, first-served basis. Doors open 15 minutes prior to the start of the concert. This early literacy preschool concert takes the place of our regularly scheduled storytime, and is sponsored by the Oregon State Ready to Read grant.

Niños de edades prescolares y adultos están invitados para un día lleno de saltar, brincar y pisotear con Eric Herman y los cachorritos. Asientos son por orden de llegada. Puertas abren 15 minutos antes de que comience el concierto. Este programa de alfabitacion a edad temprana esta patrocinado por Oregon State Ready to Read fund.

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