Salem's Urban Forest

Tree River Panoramic Photo

Trees, the canopy formed by their branches and leaves, and the network of roots below the soil form an essential part of our community. They make Salem more livable and more beautiful. And they are an essential part of our city’s natural infrastructure (along with our streams, wetlands, meadows, soils, natural areas), providing a variety of economic, environmental, and social benefits.

Just like our built infrastructure (streets, utilities, storm drains, etc.), our urban forest needs to be maintained and protected to ensure that it continues to grow and provide benefits to our community far into the future.

Planning for, protecting, growing, and tracking our urban forest is no easy task. It takes staff with a variety of technical expertise, skills, and specialized equipment, as well as a range of consultants, contractors, and volunteers to accomplish all our urban forest goals. Working together, we aim to not only care for our city-owned trees, but also to help Salem’s residents plant and care for their own trees for the benefit of the whole community.