Neighborhood Associations

Salem is proud to be the first city in Oregon and one of the first states in the nation to have organized and actively recognize Neighborhood Associations, since 1972. Strong communities are built on strong neighborhoods where people work and live together. Neighborhood partnerships bring businesses and residents together to create a more livable community with activities and projects designed to meet the unique character of the neighborhood. Neighborhood Associations provide a voice for you to participate in government decisions by bringing Salem residents, city officials and representatives to the table. Want to lead a project in your community like a park improvement, a pedestrian safety project, or host a community event? Connect with your Neighborhood Association today or the Neighborhood Program Coordinator, Irma Coleman at

Salem is home to 17 Neighborhood Associations. If you live, work, or own property within Salem City limits, you are already a member of an association and are encouraged to get involved. 

The work of neighborhood associations will be more rewarding, powerful and less taxing with support of a diverse and strong board. Sign up for your neighborhood's monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date on City news, meeting dates and agendas.