Track Salem's Performance on City Priorities


The new Transparent Reporting and Analytics for Residents portal allows the viewer to consider each of the City's performance result areas from the City Council Policy Agenda and Strategic Plan. The portal provides three way to evaluate the City's performance:

  • annual scorecard
  • current performance
  • budget

ScorecardThis portal provides increased access and transparency for the public. It also increases accountability by adding measurable outcomes to programs. In addition, City leaders and staff can use the portal to help assure they are making data-driven decisions. 

Performance measures and supporting information will be updated both annually and monthly with new data. Useful information will continue to develop as additional data and analysis become available. Over the coming year, as we build additional performance measures and data collection into our daily practices, we expect to improve in these areas:

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Climate impact
  • Community-engaged policy
  • Reach of our unsheltered services program
  • Reach of communications and engagement

At the portal's most basic level, performance measures are evaluated on a traffic light-style color system where green indicates many measures are meeting or exceeding their goals, yellow indicates some measure outcomes may be low, and red means several measures are likely missing some of their goals.

From that simple start, performance result areas can be sorted into smaller program groups and topic areas, then filtered to reveal a wide range of data. Finally, explanations in the "Viewing Data" and "Viewing Trends" filters can explain some of the finer details and explanations of the scoring.

The second review measure on the main screen is Current Performance. In contrast to the Scorecard, which is updated annually, the Current Performance button shows updated data throughout the year for measures that are reported on monthly and quarterly. 

All public measures, even if they are not used to calculate the scorecard, are shown on the current performance screen by result area and department. 

The third and final button on the home page shows the City Budget by result area. From there, you can access other displays and learn more about the City's budget.

Learn more about the Transparent Reporting and Analytics for Residents portal by watching this demonstration video.