Public Meeting Calendar

Page Turners: Teen Book Discussions

November book: I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys

Middle and high school-aged youth gather to talk about stand-out books from the Teen Scene collection in this monthly book discussion group. Anyone who has read the book and wants to talk can attend. Copies can be picked up and checked out at the Teen Scene Desk or can be checked out/placed on hold by individual readers. This book is also available as an eBook and eAudiobook from cloudLibrary and Libby/Library2go.

Sign up here to get a meeting reminder. Drop ins are also welcome.

Estudiantes de Secundaria y Preparatoria vendrán a reunirse y discutir libros estelares de la colección de adolescentes en esta discusión/club de libros mensual. Todos los que han leído el libro y quisieran charlar pueden atender. Copias del libro pueden ser tomadas prestado en el escritorio de Teen Scene o pueden ser apartados para lectores individuales. Regístrese para obtener un recordatorio.

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