Public Meeting Calendar

Personal Enrichment Workshop

Is Keeping that Grudge Making You Sick - The Art of Forgiveness

  • Date: 03/08/2023 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM  
  • Location: Center 50+
    2615 Portland Rd NE
    Salem, Oregon 97301
  • Introduction: In this workshop participants will learn how holding on to those grudges can have an impact on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Participants will learn how to address feelings of resentment, anger or betrayal and shift those expressions to ones of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a process and can remove the blocks that are keeping us from living a life of fulfillment and joy. Transformational Life Coach and Retirement Guide, Annette Jensen, combines her 40 plus years of experience in social work, mental health and coaching to help participants identify areas of their life where they may need to practice forgiveness. Once identified Annette will share practices that will help set the participant free from the past and allow space to begin enjoying the present and future. This workshop is one of a series that will be offered at the 50+ Center throughout the year to help in designing a retirement that you absolutely love.

Register online or in the Center 50+ Connection Center.  Fee $35.00

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