
Know the Evacuation Levels to Ensure Household Safety

Post Date:08/22/2023 2:00 PM
ready set goDo you know what to do if your neighborhood is evacuated? Understanding evacuation levels is a vital step toward enhancing public safety during emergencies. Evacuations can happen within city limits or in surrounding areas for many reasons.

Key points to remember:
Evacuation Levels Defined: Evacuation levels are designed to communicate the degree of threat an emergency poses. Each indicates the urgency of the situation and the necessary preparedness steps.

Level 1 (Be Ready). Prepare for potential evacuation.
Level 2 (Be Set). Make sure you have everything ready to leave. The risk of evacuation is higher. 
Level 3 (Go Now). Leave now. The situation is most urgent.

Staying Informed: Familiarize yourself with local news sources, emergency alerts, and official communication channels for updates on evacuation levels during critical events.

Emergency Plans: Develop and practice a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, meeting points, and communication strategies.

Community Resources: Engage with local authorities and resources to learn about designated evacuation routes, shelters, and emergency contact information.

"Cultivating a well-informed community is the foundation of effective emergency response," said Joe Hutchinson, Emergency Manager for the City of Salem. "We encourage residents to take the time to educate themselves and their families on evacuation levels. This knowledge could prove invaluable in moments of crisis."

Residents contribute to a safer and more resilient community by educating themselves about evacuation levels. It is the collective responsibility of every individual to stay informed and take the necessary actions to ensure personal safety and the well-being of their neighbors.

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