City of Salem Website Disclaimer, and Privacy and Electronic Commerce Policy

CITYOFSALEM.NET ( was developed to provide general information. The information on this web site comes from a variety of sources, and may be subject to change without notice. Data contained at this location, any City of Salem site, or any site linked from this or any City location, has not been reviewed for legal accuracy or legal sufficiency. The documents displayed are for general reference only, and the City of Salem makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the quality, reliability, accuracy, content, adequacy or completeness of the materials at this website or at other sites to which this website links. Links or references to other information or organizations do not constitute an endorsement.


Section A. Introduction
Section B. Personal information and choice
Section C. Information collected and how it is used
Section D. Public access to information
Section E. Accessing and changing your information
Section F. Use of cookies
Section G. Security
Section H. Electronic commerce
Section I. Third party link disclaimer
Section J. Children's privacy protection
Section K. Health care information
Section L. Intellectual property
Section M. Social media
Section N. Contact information