Sustainable Services Revenue Task Force

Number of members: The task force has 14 appointed members.
Type of appointment:
City Council approved the creation of the task force and the appointment of all members on September 24, 2018.
Length of term:
The member terms are time-limited as the task force expires on December 31, 2018.

At the direction of the City Council, the Sustainable Services Revenue Task Force was created on September 24, 2018 to identify and recommend ways the City could close the gap between the cost to provide services and the revenue received to support those services. The task force will explore new, additional revenue sources to fund City services and ongoing needs for City Council consideration.

The task force is appointed by the City Council and includes members of the Council and Budget Committee and participants from the community representative of the six result areas derived from the Strategic Plan vision, mission, and values.

Task Force Members
Audio Meeting Minutes