
Give Up Single Use Plastic for Plastic Free July

Post Date:07/01/2024
July Webpage News Story Graphic

This month is Plastic Free July! It is a global movement that helps millions of people cut down on their plastic use and be the solution to plastic pollution. By cutting down on single use plastics we can cut down on the plastic that flows into both local waterways and the ocean.

  • Since plastic was introduced in the 1950s, 9.1 billion tons has been produced.
  • 79 percent of all plastic that has been made still sits in landfills or the natural environment.
  • About 14 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans every year.
  • Microplastics are present in almost all water systems in the world. There is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way.
  • Many aquatic animals eat microplastics causing harm or even death.

There is an overabundance of plastic in our society and the environment. By cutting down on single-use plastic we can reduce plastic waste immensely.

Challenge yourself for the month of July to reduce your use of single-use plastics. Consider cutting down on:

  • Plastic Water Bottles
  • Plastic Straws
  • Disposable Coffee Cups
  • Plastic Utensils

You can put together a handy travel kit to keep with you for when you are out and about to cut down on these single-use plastic purchases. Pack a reusable water bottle, coffee cup, straw, and utensil set in your purse, backpack, or to go bag so you always have them handy!

Join the Plastic Free July movement and take the challenge! Visit the Plastic Free July website, take the challenge selecting which plastic items you will cut out for July (or beyond!), and then share with your friends and family!

Visit the Clean Streams website to get tips on how you can help keep other pollutants out of waterways.

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