
10 Safety Tips for Summer Heat

Temperatures are predicted to climb above 100 over the weekend, so please practice these tips to avoid heat illness

Post Date:07/02/2024 8:33 AM

Heat Watch man under blazing sunWe're expecting temperatures above 100 degrees this coming weekend. Some of these precautions may help you avoid the dangers of heat-related illness:

1. Don't leave children or pets in the car. Even leaving them in the car for a little while can be dangerous. The temperature in your vehicle is significantly hotter than outside.

2. Move to the shade. Forested areas can provide much-needed protection from the elements. 

3. Drink lots of fluids. Pace yourself, by drinking small amounts frequently, e.g. one cup every 20 minutes.

4. Manage your workloads. Do your heaviest physical work or play in the cooler part of the day. Add frequent short breaks. Watch yourself and coworkers for signs of heat illness.

5. Wear lightweight clothing. Light colored cotton fabric is a good choice. Light colors reflect heat rather than absorbing it.

6. Pull blinds or shades to reduce the amount of heat coming from your windows. Keep windows closed when air conditioning is running.

7. When possible, stay indoors in an air-conditioned area. If you do not have air conditioning, go to a shopping mall, theater, library, cooling shelter or other public location that does.

8. Help your pets weather the heat, too. Make sure their water bowls remain full throughout the day. Bring them inside, if possible. If not, make sure they have shade or shelter from the heat.

9. Check on sick and elderly neighbors. They may be more susceptible to heat illness.

10. Get some short-term relief at one of Salem's Park Spray Fountains. We have seven around Salem. Find one near you.

 Don't let heat sickness stop you from enjoying your summer.

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