Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant

Willow Lake Wastewater Pollution Control Facility

The Willow Lake Pollution Control Facility provides wastewater services to an area that comprises more than 60 square miles, including the City of Salem, the City of Turner, and the City of Keizer. The combined peak day capacity is about 200 million gallons per day.

Several projects have been completed at Willow Lake in the past five years to ensure we continue to meet standards and overall enhancement to the community.

Projects Completed at Willow Lake

Gravity Thickener Rehabilitation
Construction for the rehabilitation of the plant's gravity thickeners, included recoating of interiors and concrete repair. Upgrade and relocation of the motor control center and associated electrical equipment from the north primary pump station to the formerly vacant raw water pump station. In addition, this project provided for the rehabilitation of the grit handling facility.

Medium Voltage Transformer Replacement, Phase II
Design and construction for the replacement of medium voltage transformers to provide proper protection from ground faults and power surges at Willow Lake WPCF

Cogeneration Facility Upgrade
The Willow Lake Cogeneration Facility project upgraded the system for cogeneration of power using methane gas generated from the City's wastewater treatment process. The design and construction of this project was funded in part by grants from Energy Trust of Oregon, PGE Renewable Energy Funds, and possibly other sources based on the potential energy savings that may be realized from this project.

Trickling Filter Arms
Replaced distributor arms in four trickling filters and other associated improvements. The equipment was near the end of its useful life.

Future Projects at Willow Lake

Solids Handling Facility
Design and construction of a solids handling facility including structural, mechanical, and electrical systems necessary to dewater solids and prepare for transport offsite.

Aeration Basin Hydraulic Improvements
Design is underway to increase aeration basin hydraulic capacity from 65 to 80 million gallons per day.