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The Climate Action Plan includes strategies that the City of Salem and the Salem community can undertake to achieve its emission reduction goals and become a climate resilient community. Strategies were developed with three aims in mind: to reduce emissions, to increase climate resilience, and to increase equity in the community.

The final list of 183 strategies was generated by Salem community members and Climate Action Task Force members. Strategies are grouped under the following seven categories:

  • Transportation/Land Use (TL)
  • Energy (EN)
  • Economic Development (EC)
  • Natural Resources (NR)
  • Community (CM)
  • Food (FD)
  • Materials and Waste (MW)

Each strategy has a generalized rating for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential, cost to the City, an identified lead and partnering agency, suggested timeframe to start, and one or more co-benefits. Co-benefits are advantages to the community beyond GHG reductions. These include Public Health, Environmental Quality, Local Economy, Mobility Choice, and Community Equity.

The complete list of strategies in the Climate Action Plan is found in Appendix 8 of the Climate Action Plan Strategy List.These activities have been designed to help Salem become a climate-smart city and meet the City’s greenhouse reduction goals.