Site Plan Review

If you want to build on your property, you may need to submit a Site Plan Review application for approval from the Planning Division.

Site plan review is intended to ensure that the development meets all applicable requirements of the Salem Revised Code (SRC). Site Plan Review applies to the following types of development:

  • Development that requires a building permit
  • Expansions
  • Alterations
  • Paving, re-striping or modifications of parking areas
  • paving an unpaved area
  • Changing a use when a building permit is not required, and
  • Making changes to a building façade in the Mixed Use-I (MU-I), Mixed Use-II (MU-II), Mixed Use -III (MU-III), and Mixed Use-Riverfront (MU-R) zones.

Single-family, two family, three family, four family, cottage clusters, installation of signs and fences, and demolition permits are exempt from site plan review. Ordinary maintenance or repair of existing buildings, structures, utilities, landscaping, and impervious surfaces, and the installation or replacement of operational equipment or fixture are also exempt.

Examples of issues reviewed as part of site plan review include property zoning, parking lot layout and landscaping, pedestrian connectivity, landscaping, and transportation and utility infrastructure.

There are three classes of Site Plan Review:

  • Class 1 Site Plan Review: For any development that does not involve a land use decision or limited land use decision, as those terms are defined in ORS 197.015, and that involves a change of use or change of occupancy where only construction or improvements to the interior of the building or structure are required.
  • Class 2 Site Plan Review: For development applications which are not discretionary in nature, do not involve land use or limited land use decisions as defined by Oregon Revised Statutes, and where only the clear and objective standards of the SRC apply.
  • Class 3 Site Plan Review: For any development that involves a land use decision or limited land use decision, as those terms are defined in ORS 197.015, or that requires discretion to be used to issue a decision. Land use decisions and limited land use decisions that may trigger a Class 3 Site Plan review include any development application that:
    • Requires a Transportation Impact Analysis pursuant to SRC chapter 803;
    • Requires a geotechnical report or geologic assessment under SRC chapter 810, except where a geotechnical report or geologic assessment has already been approved for the property subject to the development application;
    • Requires deviation from clear and objective development standards of the UDC relating to streets, driveways or vision clearance areas;
    • Proposes dedication of right-of-way which is less than the requirements of the Salem Transportation System Plan;
    • Requires deviation from the clear and objective standards of the UDC and where the Review Authority is granted the authority to use limited discretion in deviating from the standard; or
    • Involves the imposition of conditions of approval; or
    • Requires a variance, adjustment, or conditional use permit.

If you need help determining what type of Site Plan Review you need, you can talk to a planner.

Class 1 Site Plan Review
Class 2 Site Plan Review
Class 3 Site Plan Review