Land Use Application Procedure Types

Land use procedure types determine the process used to make a land use decision under SRC Chapter 300.

Type I

This type of decision is used when there are clear standards and criteria and interpretation of policy is not required. Examples include Tree Removal Permits, Property Line Adjustment, Sign Permit, etc.

  • The Planning Administrator makes the decision.
  • Public notice and hearing are not required.
  • Generally, only the applicant may appeal the decision.

Type II

This type of decision is used when standards and criteria require limited discretion or legal judgment in their application. Examples include Partitions, Subdivisions, Zoning Adjustments, etc.

  • The Planning Administrator makes the decision.
  • Public notice and opportunity to comment are provided prior to a decision.
  • A public hearing is required only if the decision is appealed.
  • After a local appeal, the City's final decision may be appealed to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.

Type II Process Guide

Type III

This type of decision is used when standards and criteria require discretion or legal judgment in their application. Examples include Zone Changes, New Construction in a Historic District, Variances, etc.

Type IV

This type of decision is used for site-specific land use actions requested by an applicant, the Historic Landmarks Commission, Planning Commission, or City Council. Examples include Designation of a Historic Resource, Amendment to the Urban Service Area Boundary, etc.

  • The Planning Commission or Historic Landmarks Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council.
  • The City Council makes the decision.
  • Public notice, opportunity to comment and a public hearing are required for the hearing where the recommendation is made and the hearing where final action is taken.
  • The decision may be appealed to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.