Develop Property in Fairview Mixed-Use Zone

If you want to develop property in the Fairview Mixed-Use (FMU) Zone, you must follow specific plans and take steps [Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 530] that differ from the requirements in Salem’s zoning code.

Refinement Plan Areas

Development within the FMU zone is primarily governed by Refinement Plans, which are detailed regulatory plans identifying allowed uses and development standards for specific areas of the Fairview site.

The current areas within the former 275-acre Fairview site with the approved refinement plans that govern them are shown in the map below.

Refinement Plans

If you want to develop property in one of these areas, you must follow the requirements in the appropriate Refinement Plan:

Each refinement plan implements the goals, policies, and objectives of the Fairview Plan, the overall master plan for the entire Fairview property. The key sustainable land use principles of the Fairview Plan include:

  • Build in economic and social diversity
  • Create a center
  • Re-use; retrofit
  • Create local employment
  • Build innovative green buildings
  • Respect the landscape
  • Zero impact to the regional watershed
  • Layer the systems
  • Close the cycle of energy and material flows
  • Green corridors for people and other living things
  • Transit close-at-hand
  • An interconnected street system
  • Walk every day

Outside of Refinement Plan Areas

If you want to develop property in an area that does not have a Refinement Plan, you must prepare a Refinement Plan. SRC Chapter 530, the FMU zone, establishes the process that you must follow to develop a Refinement Plan.

Refinement Plans are intended to apply to areas of the former Fairview site that are at least 40 acres in size. Refinement Plans require review and approval by the City’s Planning Commission through a public hearing. The decision of the Planning Commission can be appealed to the City Council.

To be approved, the Refinement Plan must conform to the approval criteria in SRC Chapter 530, which includes a requirement that the Refinement Plan be consistent with the Fairview Plan. Once approved, the Refinement Plan will regulate all subsequent development within that area of the Fairview property.


In 2003, the City created and applied the FMU zone to the Former Fairview Training Center site in south Salem to promote its sustainable and mixed-use development. The site, previously owned by the State of Oregon, served as a home for people with developmental disabilities for more than 100 years. The site is bordered by Reed, Pringle, Strong, and Battlecreek roads.