Climate Mitigation for Large New Parking Lots

If you are planning to build a large parking lot, you may have to plant more trees, install solar panels, or take other actions to mitigate the climate impacts of your project.

In late 2023, the City adopted development requirements for new surface parking lots larger than one-half acre. These new requirements are mandated by the State’s Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities rules to help the State meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

Under the requirements, you have options for how you want to mitigate the climate impacts of your development. You may choose to either provide canopy coverage (at least 40% of the parking lot within 15 years), solar power generation (0.5 kilowatts per parking space), or payment ($1,500 per parking space) to help fund wind and solar power generation at affordable housing developed by the Salem Housing Authority. You may also choose a combination of these options.

Review Process and Submittal Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Examples of Methods to Comply with Climate Mitigation Requirements
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