Battle Creek flooding upstream

Floodplain Information

The City provides a wide range of floodplain information and services to the community including maps, boundary verification, and flooding data.

Floodplain Services

The City can determine the relationship of a particular property to the floodplain, including:

  • Whether the property is located within the FEMA mapped Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
  • Flood Insurance Rate Map information for the property
  • Base flood elevation and flood depth data for property, if available
  • Whether the property is located within the floodway
  • Natural floodplain function areas that should be protected, such as wetlands

Please contact us for further assistance with these services.

Flood Maps and Studies

FEMA produces Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps FIRM. These resources describe flood hazards based on the best available science and information available. They serve as the bases for determining when floodplain development and insurance requirements apply to structures. The City of Salem maintains copies of all FIRM panels and the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Salem. Copies or further information is available by request.

Navigate and view the local floodplain map which includes parcels, FIRM information, and floodway and floodplain boundaries.

Access FEMA floodplain maps online to find all flood hazard mapping products created under the National Flood Insurance Program.

Additional Resources

City of Salem, Community Development, Planning
City Planners can provide information about protection of vegetation and trees along waterways and tree removal.

City of Salem, Emergency Preparedness
For assistance in an emergency, call 911. Contact us to learn more about preparing for a disaster or for information on the City's emergency management program.

City of Salem, Public Library
The library collection contains floodplain publications and other floodplain-related information.

City of Salem, Public Works Dispatch
Call dispatch if you discover problems with a street or your water / sewer service (i.e. broken pipe, pothole, environmental spill, clogged street drain).

City of Salem, Public Works, Development Services
Contact Development Services to speak with a Floodplain Manager or if you have questions about the interactive floodplain map.

Mid Willamette Valley High Water Watch
Watch View current stream levels and rainfall data in near real-time from a number of sites across the City.

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
The Floodsmart website provides information about the National Flood Insurance Program, answers questions about flood insurance, and provides assistance to find local insurance agents that offer flood insurance.

Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL)
DSL reviews and issues removal/fill permits for development activities in waterways and wetlands.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
To find out more information about the USACE Flood Risk Management Program.