ADA Barrier Removal

New construction must comply with the accessibility requirements of the American Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, all new work must comply with the accessibility standards for new construction complying with chapter 11 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code, regardless of cost.

Alterations to existing buildings where companies provide goods and services to the public must improve access by removing barriers when it is readily achievable to do so. Readily achievable means easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. Guidelines for determining barrier removal in existing buildings are provided below.

Barrier Removal Improvement Plan

A barrier removal improvement plan is approved in statute as an alternate method to spending up to 25% of the alteration that affects the usability of the area of primary function. The building owner may use a barrier removal plan, when approved, to defer costs of barrier removal over the lifetime of the barrier removal and improvement plan.

The registered design professional shall be responsible for reviewing and coordinating the submittal documents to identify all existing architectural barriers at the site, and building. OSSC 107.3.4

The barrier removal improvement plan shall include:

  • A letter of participation from the building owner;
  • A building survey that identifies existing architectural barriers;
  • An improvement plan and time schedule for removal of architectural barriers; and
  • An implementation agreement.

The barrier removal improvement plan may be reviewed and accepted through the waiver process under ORS 447.250. The plan shall be reviewed upon completion or every three years for compliance with the requirements of this section.

Guidelines for Barrier Removal in Existing Buildings “25% Rule”