File Naming for Building Plan Review

Standardized file names help us quickly review permit drawings and documents.

  1. We are looking for file names that identify the file contents, e.g. Cover Sheet, Site Plan, etc.
  2. Limit the number of characters in the file name to 35 characters or less– abbreviations are acceptable.
  3. Do not include special characters (&, %, #, etc.) in the file name.

File uploads will be rejected if they do not meet these standards. 

For help preparing and uploading your files, see the instructions for Submitting Electronic Plans.

For submission and file naming information specific to your application type:

File Naming Requirements for Commercial Permits

The guidelines on this page apply to commercial and multifamily permits.

The following three elements will sort files in the correct order and provide the information to move your files quickly through the review process:

  1. Start with a Three-digit Number, e.g 001, 010, 200

    • This number value controls the display and print order of the files.
    • .
    • Expand the example tabs below for suggested numbering options.

  2. Page or Sheet Number, e.g.  A01, S02.1

    • List drawing sheet numbers with decimals or whole numbers.

    • Exception: This will not apply to uploads to the Documents folder.

  3. Description, e.g. Cover Sheet, Site Plan, Truss Packet

    • The page title, document type or a brief description of the plan sheet

    • Drawing description example: Cover Sheet, Preliminary Site Plan, Second Level Floor Plan Details.

    • Documents description example: Structural Calcs, Truss Packet
Sort order for drawings and documents
Commercial/multifamily/industrial file naming example
Resubmission guidelines
Planning/Land use naming guidelines
Residential and Trade permits