Special Inspector and Agency Approval Process

Special inspection agencies, testing agencies, and inspectors must be qualified and competent to perform their roles.

Oregon Building Official Association (OBOA) Special Inspection Program (SIP)

This program is intended to provide building officials with the means to determine that special inspection, testing and fabrication services are carried out by qualified individuals. It was developed in response to the need, recognized by Building Officials and quality control agency owners, for a uniform method of determining qualifications and competence of special inspection agencies, testing agencies and inspectors called for in section 1701 and 1703 of the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code.

SIP provides current Special Inspector and the Special Inspection Agencies Rosters. If the special Inspector and the inspection and testing agencies are registered with OBOA SIP, the Building Official will automatically qualify them to perform the special inspections.

City of Salem Approval Process

If special inspectors/special agencies are not registered with OBOA Special Inspection Program, the applicant shall submit a manual describing the agency’s facilities for testing and inspections. The document will include the following:

  • Applicable certifications
  • The date, name, and signature of an officer of the company and the person charged with managerial responsibility
  • Organization and Personnel
    • Legal name and address of the agency
    • A current organization chart showing relationship between administration, operation, and quality control.
    • A roster of current full-time employees which includes a resume of each employee's education, experience, and qualifications related to special inspection and testing.
    • External and subcontracted technical services used by the agency and the names and addresses of suppliers of subcontracted technical services. Include approved independent test laboratory documentation for inspection only agencies.
    • A list of the categories of special inspections for which approval is being requested.
    • A document listing the scope of duties for key personnel.
  • Facilities and Equipment
    • A floor plan of the laboratory (if a testing agency). Show the facilities for storage, handling, and conditioning of samples.
    • A list of serial number, model number, and make of mechanical testing equipment. Provide a copy of the latest calibration check for each piece of testing equipment. The name of the reviewing agency and the date of the most recent calibration check shall be included.
  • Test Methods and Procedures
    • A copy of the scope of accreditation from an approved accrediting agency, listing the tests and procedures pertinent to the inspection category applied for, which demonstrates the applicant’s competence to perform the tests.
    • A copy of the most commonly used data sheets, test reports and certifications.
    • A statement regarding the location and procedures for safe-keeping of records and files.
    • Evidence of an in-house quality assurance program.
    • A procedure for periodic revision of the manual.
    • A list of technical reference material.
    • A copy of training policies.
    • Copies of documents covering the following procedures:
      • Dispatch
      • Project setup
      • Final summary letters (include examples);
      • Compliance and non-compliance reporting (include examples).

The submitted document is reviewed by the Building Official who determines whether the agency is qualified to perform the special inspections according to OSSC Chapter 17.

If the agency is approved, the special inspection agreement is submitted with all the required signatures.