Apply for Water Conservation or Wastewater Pretreatment Grant Program

Rain Barrely in the GardenThe City of Salem Public Works department, through Salem Revised Codes (SRC) 72.230 and 74.190, administers grant programs to incentivize reduction of water consumption and to decrease wastewater demands on the City's treatment facilities.

The Water Conservation grant program was developed with the goal of decreasing water demand, maximizing the life of existing water supply facilities, postponing the need for development of new treatment and transmission facilities, and providing proper management of the our water resource.

The Pretreatment grant program was developed to aid industrial and institution sewer uses in developing systems to decrease wastewater flows, solids, and biological oxygen demand (BOD) loadings to the Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Application Information

Information provided in this Water Conservation or Sewer Pretreatment Grant Program Application will be used to evaluate request for participatory funding for Capital Construction of defined facilities, which are cost effective methods of reducing the existing amount of City water discharged to the Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility.

Information needed to complete the application:

  • Purpose of the project.
  • Objective to be accomplished by the project.
  • History or relative data (past sewer/water bills showing usage.
  • Estimate of impact of project in reducing loading, solids, water use, flow.
  • Proposed schedule (including planning, implementation, and completion).
  • Estimated cost of the project.
  • Scope of City involvement in the project.
  • Other supporting information.