When to Plant

The planting season for Salem is from October through April. The optimal time to plant a new tree here is in the fall or early winter, so that the new tree benefits from all the winter rains. This will help them develop a stronger root system before the next summer hot and dry spell. Trees planted outside of this season will need to receive extra watering to ensure survival and establishment.

Where and What to Plant

It's important to plant the right tree in the right place to maximize tree benefits and reduce future maintenance and infrastructure conflicts. With a little research and a simple layout, your new tree can be an asset to your property for many years to come.

Trees should be selected specifically for the space that is available, taking into considerations factors such as tree height and spread at maturity, tree form and growth rate, whether it is deciduous or evergreen, whether it produces fruit, the site’s physical constraints (e.g., overhead lines, underground utilities, sidewalks, driveways, structures), and the site’s environmental conditions (soil type, sun exposure, moisture, and climate). 

Check out these resources for guidance on how to select the right tree for your space:

How to Plant

Check out these step-by-step videos from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Planting Street Trees

You need a Street tree planting permit to plant a tree in street right-of-way, and the species, quantity, and planting locations must be reviewed and approved by a City arborist. Find out more about How to Select and Plant a Street Tree


Trees should be pruned in winter while they are dormant to encourage a burst of new growth in the spring. For deciduous trees, this timing also allows you to see the entire structure of the tree without the obstruction of foliage. 

In the summer, focus should be given to removing water sprouts and suckers growing from the tree’s rootstock. Pruning these back in the summer helps suppress this type of growth. 

If a limb or branch breaks, cracks, or is otherwise damaged during spring or summer, remove the effected branches immediately to prevent further damage. 

Proper pruning can improve your tree's longevity, health, and resistance to storm damage and pests. However, improper pruning can harm trees and lead to weaknesses from rot, fungal decay, and insects. Before making the cut, check out the information below from the International Society of Arboriculture about pruning your trees. This will help ensure you (or your landscaper) know how, why, and when to properly prune young trees and mature trees. You can also learn why topping trees is one of the most harmful pruning techniques and should be avoided.

Disposing of Leaves in the Fall 

Residents can drop off their leaves, grass clippings and tree limbs at the City’s drop off locations on designated days. Learn more about our Fall Leaf Haul here.