Eagle Nest Watch News

Eagle in nest-PAN-20240423

June 5, 2024

Riverfront Eaglet Riverfront Eagle on Branch Riverfront Eaglets Eagle vs. Osprey Eagle vs. Osprey Eagle on Branch Eagle on Branch Eagle on Branch Eagle on Branch Eagle in Nest Eagle in Nest Eagle in Nest  Eagle Flying in Tree

Eaglets in both nests are growing rapidly with the adults continuing to feed and protect the eaglets. These new photos are of the Audubon nest eaglets as well as documenting a conflict between the eagles and an osprey! Stay tuned for more updates and wonderful photos provided by our eagle watch volunteers.

May 1, 2024

Three hatchlings Chick stretching Adult eagle landing at nest with fish

We appear to have nestlings in both nests. While observers have not seen nestlings the behavior of the adults suggests that the eggs have hatched. These behaviors include bringing food to the nest and perching on the edge of the nest for long periods in a non-incubating position. The nestlings will stay in the nest for 10-14 weeks and they should fledge sometime between July 4 and August 4

April 23, 2024

Eagle Landing Eagle perched on nest Eagle landing

Eagle Flying Eagle Flying Eagle Flying Eagle perched on nest Eagle perched on nest Eagle perched on nest

We appear to have nestlings in both nests. While observers have not seen nestlings the behavior of the adults suggests that the eggs have hatched. These behaviors include bringing food to the nest and perching on the edge of the nest for long periods in a non-incubating position. The nestlings will stay in the nest for 10-14 weeks and they should fledge sometime between July 4 and August 4

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

April 11, 2024

Minto eagle on nest eagle pair in flight one above other eagle in nest

In the next week or so we anticipate egg hatching for the Audubon pair and the Minto pair. Both pairs of eagles have been incubating eggs over the past few weeks. Eagles have continued being seen taking turns in an incubating position and bringing food to the eagle in the nest. Here are some pictures from our nest watch volunteers.

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

March 22, 2024

Minto eagle on eggs Audubon eagle on eggs Audubon eagle vocalizing

Both pairs of eagles are incubating eggs. We anticipate hatchlings in about 3 weeks. Eagles have continued being seen taking turns in an incubating position and bringing food to the eagle in the nest. Here are some pictures from our nest watch volunteers.

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

March 8, 2024

Eagle first flap leaving watereagle in water bathing3eagle in flight1

We have eggs! Both the Minto and Audubon pairs have been showing behavior consistent with incubation of eggs. Eggs are laid two days apart and hatch 35 days after. Eagles have been seen in an incubating position and the second member of each pair has been bringing food to the eagle in the nest. Here are some pictures from our nest watch volunteers.

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

February 29, 2024

eagle at nest with stickeagle at nest with stick1eagles in nest

Nest preparation has begun for both the Minto and Audubon pairs. Both pairs have been seen bringing sticks to the nest and working on the nest. We anticipate egg laying should occur sometime between now and the end of March. Here are some pictures from our nest watch volunteers showing nest building activity.

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

February 15, 2024

Eagle in Tree - 202402Eagle in Tree 2 - 202402Eagle Flying - 202402

The eagles are back! So is the volunteer eagle nest watch program. We held a training for over 40 new volunteer nest watchers on Saturday February 10th. Volunteers have reported that both the Audubon and Minto pairs have returned. The pairs have been bringing in additional sticks to the nests and have been seen perching on and around the nests. Egg laying should occur sometime between now and the end of March.

Stay tuned, we’ll continue to post updates on both eagle pairs throughout the nesting season.

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