2024 Revenue Task Force

Number of members: 20 to 30
Type of appointment:
City Council approved the creation of the task force on December 11, 2023
Length of term:
The member terms are time-limited as the task force is anticipated to expire on or before June 30, 2024.

The City has relied on cost reductions, deferring on‐going needs, reducing services, and foregoing long‐term investments to maintain compliance with financial policies and fiscally responsible operations. Even with these actions and the one-time infusion of millions in federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars, the costs to provide ongoing services are greater than the revenues received to support those services, and costs are escalating at a faster rate. The City’s five-year revenue forecast reflects a growing gap between revenues and expenses. To sustain the current levels of service, additional revenue is needed or significant reductions in services will be required.

The purpose of the revenue Task Force is to explore new, additional revenue sources and adjustment to fees to sustain those services that do not have a dedicated revenue stream consistent with the motion adopted by City Council that created this Task Force.

The Task Force’s work will be carried out in parallel with the work of the Budget Committee and City Council as they consider amendments to the 2024 adopted budget and formulate the proposed 2025 budget based on revised revenue projections.

Task Force Documents
Task Force Meetings
Task Force Members