pile of brush being burned

Wildland Urban Interface Information

Salem’s climate, vegetation, and topography make wildland fire a rare but real risk to the community. Parts of the city have homes interspersed with large areas of natural vegetation. Many of these homes are located at the top of moderate to steep slopes, increasing the risk.  Other areas, especially those on the periphery of the city, border larger expanses of vegetation.  These areas are referred to as the wildland/urban interface.  Homes and other structures in this interface are at higher risk from vegetation fires.

Historically, Salem experiences small, slow-moving, wildland fires regularly. Warm summer temperatures and strong winds can carry wildland fires into homes.  In recent years, warmer temperatures and dryer vegetation have increased the incidence of brush and grass fires in the area.  If you live in the wildland/urban interface, knowing your options for protecting your home and property is good when the fire danger is high.  Below are some links to information to help you decide what you need to do to prevent wildland fires.

Oregon State Fire Marshal Wildfire Prevention Site

Oregon Department of Forestry Wildfire Risk Site

Oregon Department of Forestry Fire Prevention Site