Sell Christmas Trees

Couple Picking a Christmas TreeChristmas tree sales are allowed without a permit only in zones where retail sales are allowed without a permit. You need a temporary use permit to sell Christmas trees in residential zones. You can find your property zone online or call the Planning office.

No Permit Required

You do not need a permit in the following zones for Christmas tree sales:

  • CR (Retail Commercial) Zone
  • CG (General Commercial) Zone
  • IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone
  • CB (Central Business District) Zone
  • SWMU (South Waterfront Mixed Use) Zone
  • FMU (Fairview Mixed Use) Zone, in certain areas
  • MU-III (Mixed Use-III) Zone

Temporary Use Permit Required

You need a temporary use permit to sell Christmas trees in the following zones:

  • RA (Residential Agriculture) Zone
  • RS (Single Family Residential) Zone
  • RM-I (Multiple Family Residential-I) Zone
  • RM-II (Multiple Family Residential-II) Zone
  • RM-III (Multiple Family Residential-III) Zone
  • CO (Commercial Office) Zone
  • NH (Neighborhood Hub) Zone

Apply for a Temporary Use Permit

You need to apply through the Permit Application Center Portal. You will submit the following with your application:

  • Copy of the property deed
  • A site plan showing where the Christmas tree sales areas will be located on the property
  • Payment of the permit fee

Christmas tree sales may be conducted in the location authorized under a temporary use permit only during the months of November and December.

Christmas trees sales located on street corners cannot block required traffic vision clearance areas. Christmas tree sales cannot displace required off-street parking spaces, if located in a parking lot.

Electricity, Tents and Signs Require Additional Permits

If your Christmas tree sales area includes signs, tents, or temporary power poles, you may need additional permits.