Information for Pilots about Salem-Willamette Valley Airport


Airfield Information for Pilots

The Salem-Willamette Valley Airport is located two miles from downtown Salem, Oregon’s Capitol city with direct access to Interstate 5. Also known as McNary Field, the airport is named for U.S. Senator Charles McNary. The airport is home to an Army National Guard base with over 70 acres of industrial land available nearby.

SLE - McNary Field, Salem, Oregon
Owned and operated by the City of Salem, Airport Division

2990 25th Street SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
503-315-2550 (fax)

Business Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed most major holidays)

Airfield Hours
Monday - Sunday
24 Hours

Tower Hours
Monday - Sunday
7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Runway Information
Runway Lighting
Airport Communications
Traffic Pattern Altitude
Fixed Base Operations
Noise Abatement