Family riding bikes

Winter-Maple Neighborhood Greenway

The Winter-Maple Neighborhood Greenway is a high-priority project identified by the City of Salem’s Transportation System Plan (TSP). The project’s goal is to create an attractive, safe, and convenient route for bicycling and walking while providing local access at appropriate speeds.

The project area includes Winter Street NE and Maple Avenue NE in Salem, for a distance of approximately 2½ miles, and nearby areas.

For more in-depth information about the project, please refer to the materials below.

Project Documents

Project Map

Map of the area involved in the Winter-Maple Family-Friendly Bikeway project

Project Objectives

The primary objective of this project is to develop a streetscape to better accommodate multimodal circulation, improve safety for all modes, encourage a healthy lifestyle and support uses adjacent to the Bikeway.

More specific objectives include the following:

  • Create a safe, comfortable, and convenient corridor design that will prioritize bicycle and pedestrian transportation modes.
  • Provide better bicycle and pedestrian links between downtown Salem and significant destinations such as local commercial areas, employment centers, activity centers, schools, and parks.
  • Use design features which result in motor vehicle volumes and speeds that are conducive to shared-lane bicycle use for the “interested but concerned” riders.
  • Address the potential need for additional right-of-way, identify associated property impacts, and address acquisition and mitigation strategies.
  • Identify options to address stormwater runoff from impervious surface in the right-of-way, considering green street treatments as well as more conventional measures.
  • Identify phasing and potential funding sources for improvements.
  • Involve the public and stakeholders in designing the streetscape with particular outreach to disadvantaged populations.