Energy Efficiency for Historic Properties

A commitment to sustainability and increased concern for the impacts of our energy use on climate change have increased interest in ways for historic property owners to reduce energy consumption and ensure historic properties are weatherized properly.

Many historic buildings were constructed with energy conserving features included in their design.  In 1982 John A. Burns developed a useful guide for the National Park Service identifying energy conscious design features intended to enable historic homeowners to understand and utilize existing architectural features to achieve improved energy conservation.

Kelly Thomas, an Energy Policy Analyst for the Oregon Building Codes Division and former Historic Landmarks Commissioner, has developed an informative presentation about how we can improve energy efficiency where we live, work and play.

The Oregon Department of Energy has developed a Home Energy Score System to help homeowners and homebuyers better understand a home’s energy use. They have partnered with Earth Advantage to implement their program. If you are interested in learning more about the program or having your home evaluated, you can find more information here.

The National Park Service has developed a technical guide to assist historic property owners with weatherizing and improving the energy efficiency of their property.  This guide provides step by step guidance beginning with an energy audit, which evaluates the building’s current thermal performance and identifies any deficiencies in the building envelope or mechanical systems. Their guide provides useful information about how to develop a weatherization plan including eliminating air infiltration, selecting efficient heating, cooling and electrical systems and efficient appliances, identifying windows and doors that need weather-stripping or repair and installing insulation in the attic, basement or crawlspaces.

We are now offering an additional category of grants through our Residential Toolbox Grant program to assist historic homeowners with weatherization of their historic properties. For more information and to apply please visit our Toolbox Grant resource page.