Information Technology Operations

Chuck Fauser

Chuck Fauser, Information Technology Operations Division Manager 

IT Operations Services

The Information Technology (IT) Operations division is dedicated to keeping technology infrastructure up and running, maintaining a secure network free of malicious intrusions, and providing equipment for City staff to conduct daily business.

This division provides the technical infrastructure that allows City of Salem staff to serve the community.

Working cooperatively with all City departments and several regional entities, the Information Technology Operations team manages:

  • Personal computers
  • Network servers and network connectivity
  • Data security
  • Printers
  • Telecommunications

An information technology Help Desk is staffed to help City staff with day-to-day operational issues.

Keeping the phone lines open between you and City staff falls to the telecommunications staff. They manage and administer telecommunications infrastructure and its associated software, including PBXs, VoIP, Auto-Attendant, voice mail, interactive voice response, and other telephony or network applications.