Project Information

The City of Salem has completed final design and right-of-way acquisition for improvements that include widening the east and west bound approaches on Hilfiker Lane SE.

The project will include:
  • Left-turn lanes on Hilfiker Lane SE in both directions
  • Bike Lanes in both directions
  • Replacing the existing traffic signal
  • Extending fiber optic traffic signal infrastructure
  • New ADA compliant sidewalks and curb ramps
  • Stormwater improvements including water quality swales
  • New pavement asphalt within the project limits

The City of Salem has awarded the project to Carter & Company and issued notice to proceed on February 12, 2024. Completion is expected in the fall of 2024.

This project includes federal funding administered by the Oregon Department of Transportation and Transportation System Development Charges.

Check out more projects currently underway in the City of Salem

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