
Library News

Soul Box Project Display at Library Focuses on Gunfire Awareness

Post Date:07/18/2022 1:39 PM

Salem Public Library is hosting a display of the national Soul Box Project from July 19 through August 19, a project designed to draw focus to the impacts of gun violence in the United States. 

The display, located on Floor 1 of the Main Library, consists of panels of 3-x 3-inch origami boxes, each representing persons killed or injured by gunfire. The Project displays thousands of Soul Boxes in public spaces to illustrate the number of victims of gun violence, defense, accidents and suicides. Created and coordinated by Oregon studio artist Leslie Lee, this project has traveled across the United States to spark discussion and raise awareness.

“What we are trying to do is have someone walk into these displays and have an ‘ah-ha’ moment,” Lee explained. “It might mean a person goes home and locks up a gun. Or a mother talks to her kids about the futility of anger and retribution. Or a gun club adds another safety class. Or a voter writes to his legislators. Every one of those actions is a success. We need to appeal to each other on an emotional level if we want the current gun culture to change.”

Each origami box is decorated by the creator to carry a message about a person impacted by gun violence or the maker’s reaction to gun violence. The act of folding a Soul Box, alone or with others, is found by many people to provide solace and promote dialog, empathy, and healing. 

Library visitors will also have opportunities to participate in building the display at folding events. The first public folding and decorating event will be 1-3 p.m. Friday, July 22, near the display.

Additional folding events will be announced at a later date.

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