Teen Scene at the Library

Four teens work on a puzzle in the Teen Scene at Salem Public Library

Teen Scene 

Teen Scene, on Floor 2 of the Main Library, provides services for middle and high school-aged youth (from 5th grade completion to the summer after high school completion; generally 11 1/2–18 years old).

The Teen Scene books and other library items are available to everyone to browse and check out during all open hours of Salem Public Library. Seating in the Teen Scene area is always reserved for teens and the adults who are visiting with them.

Teen Scene Room

The Teen Scene Room is open limited hours. This hangout space is reserved for use by middle and high school-aged youth to:

  • Study or relax in the seating area
  • Use the Teen Study Room (reservations can be made online)
  • Use a Library laptop* or free WiFi access. Black-and-white and color printing is available through the laptops or wirelessly through personal devices.
  • Play one of the many board games or work on a puzzle
  • Play and practice using the instruments in the Music Exploration Cabinet
  • Play the 40 games available on the Switch, PS5, and XBox360
  • Ask the staff to help guide you to the perfect book

*Salem Public Library card required

Teen Advisory Board

The Salem Public Library Teen Advisory Board is a leadership development program for middle and high school-aged youth. Applications are open annually in the summer.

Homework and Research Help

Help is available at the Teen Scene Ask Here Desk. We can't do your homework for you, but we can point you to the resources that you need. We have many online resources available from our Homework and Research Help page.