Senior Services

Person in plaid shirt reading a book

Services for Seniors

Salem Public Library has specialized services to meet the needs of seniors. To learn more about any service or program, please call the library at 503-588-6089.

Instructional Visits and Card Signups

Senior living facilities, service organizations, and group homes are welcome to request a visit from a library staff member for an introductory presentation on library services and resources and for library card registration.

Request a library program or outreach visit

Pop-Up Library Program: Senior Living and Group Setting Delivery

The pop-up library program serves adult care homes, assisted living centers, group homes, and senior living communities. Facilities and homes may receive a delivery of items for in-facility circulation or to supplement existing library collections. Deliveries occur monthly and include 25-50 items. Items are checked out with a full-service, facility library card.

To learn more about this service, call 503-588-6089 or email

Register for Outreach Card

Access Reading Material at Home

In partnership with the Assistance League of Salem-Keizer, the Salem Public Library ran Operation Bookshelf, a home delivery service that brought library items to homebound community members for over fifty years. While this service is no longer being offered, library cardholders who are unable to come to the library in person have several options to access reading material at home:

  • Designate a person to come get books for you at the library. Give them your card or the card number and they will be able to check out items for you at the service desk.
  • For patrons who do not already have a library card, a representative can set up an account by visiting the library with a completed, signed library card application; the photo ID and proof of address for the homebound patron; and the photo ID of the representative setting up the card.
  •  Downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks are available from the library’s two digital platforms, Libby (Library2Go) and cloudLibrary.
  •  Oregonians who are unable to read printed material comfortably can apply to receive a free player and audiobooks from the State Library of Oregon’s Talking Book and Braille Library. Call 503-588-6089 for a Salem Public Library staff member to assist you with the application.