Library News

Keep up on the latest news from Salem Public Library!
  • soulbox, library, display

    Soul Box Project Display at Library Focuses on Gunfire Awareness

    Salem Public Library is hosting a display of the national Soul Box Project from July 19 through August 19, a project designed to draw focus to the impacts of gun violence in the United States.

    07/18/2022 1:39 PM

  • Exterior of the West Salem Branch

    Hours expand at the West Salem Branch

    Expanded hours kick off at the West Salem Branch beginning Saturday, July 2. The branch will now be open four days each week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

    06/30/2022 3:05 PM

  • stack-of-books-coffee-cup_web_1600x1067_color

    Salem Public Library goes fine-free on July 1

    A new fine-free policy for Salem Public Library takes effect on July 1. Many people now unable to use their library cards because of fines owed will be able to use the library again!


  • Main Library - Front doors and pathway to doors

    Library Foundation Honored as 2022 Library Supporter of the Year

    The Salem Public Library Foundation has been recognized as the 2022 Library Supporter of the Year by the Oregon Library Association.

    04/14/2022 10:34 AM

  • Kim Carroll, City Librarian

    City Names Kim Carroll City Librarian

    Salem’s new City Librarian, Kim Carroll, has worked in library programming and leadership for all ages. She plans to put that experience to use at the Salem Public Library. Her selection was announced March 28, after an interview process that offered the chance for residents to get involved.


  • Hallway in Salem City Library with framed art on both walls.

    Salem Public Library Launches New Art Hall for Local Artists

    Salem Public Library has a new space dedicated to exploring artwork created by Salem area artists. Located inside the main entrance to the library, the Art Hall will host a series of temporary exhibitions that will change throughout the year.

    03/22/2022 10:36 AM